Monday, September 15, 2008

My Dad

Growing Old, Going Strong

This photographic story tells about the struggles of life between a father and a son after a death in the family. The death provides the oppertunity to get to know eachother better and create a stronger bond. Each picture will tell you a part of the aftermath of the death and show you what the father is like in pictures and what the son is like in words. The son describes his point of view of the father growing old but still going strong. The pictures in this are amazing and fit perfectly with the words said.

I can relate so much to this story. I had a great grandfather that was so amazing. My most favorite memory with him was when we were trveling to see him in Iowa and arrived there at around eleven at night their time. We walked in and he was already asleep on the couch. He woke up when we walked in, jumped up and put his shoes on and said "wanna go see some night crawlers!" My sister and I ran outside with jars in our hands and caught lightning bugs. I watched my great grandpa grow old and repeat questions over and over. He would always ask me If I had a boyfriend and I would always answer giggling of embarrasment "Not yet...". I watched him physically grow old but yet he never lost his caring and enthusiastic personality. He left us on May 21st, 2006.

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