Monday, September 29, 2008

Obama: 'I Accept Your Nomination'

Trying to be a superhero

If you go to this website, you will read what Obama is promising us if he becomes our president. He says that he will "cut taxes for nearly all working-class families, end the war in Iraq and break America's dependence on Mideast oil within a decade." He is going to end up raising taxes on upper-income Americans to help pay for expanded health care and other domestic programs. So he wont be helping us that much in the end. Obama said that McCaine was "a good man who 'just doesn't get it'"

Honestly, I am mad at Obama for criticizing McCaine and saying that he doesn't get it. Why is Obama criticizing McCaine for not seeing situations the same way he does. They are two completely different people. This makes me wonder if Obama will say that us americans "just don't get it", when we dont agree with Obama. When Obama is saying that he promises us that he will cut taxes for nearly all working-class families, I think of what that will effect and where the money to make up for the lost money will come from. Will he lower taxes for the people that are'nt doing so well and raise taxes for families that can support themselves like mine. I mean, if that were to happen, my family would become very angry and that wouldnt be fair since those who dont know how to manage their money get a break and those who chose wisely are expected to pay more. When Obama says that he will end the war in Iraq, it worries me what might happen, like another attack similar to 9/11. I am not sure how Obama is going to decrease the need of oil from the mideast but he can try. He is trying to save the world and fix everybody's needs, like a superhero. But he's not.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Another Great Depression?

Are We Headed For Another Great Depression?

This article states that a man named Mort Marks believes that we are in another Great Depression. Marks has lived through the depression before and remembers people coming to his father for help financially. He is personally afraid now that Lehman Bros. has declared bankruptcy and thinks that we are lucky another company like AIG has not had the same situation.

I think the man's overreacting big time but that may be because I am not that big in the politics and don't involve myself in these kind of situations that do nothing for me now maybe in the future, but not now. I do agree though that we do have quite a lot of people in financial trouble, with all the foreclosures happening around us, it's kind of obvious that people need help. When Marks says that people are putting things off like buying new cars, I think he is wrong. I think that they are budgeting so they have the money for the things they need. I mean, aren't necessities the first choice for spending money. The way I look at it is that if your car can run and get you where you need to be, then no car needed. The truth is that people do need to be aware of where their money goes and need to find a better way to budget it properly so they are not in financial trouble.

Monday, September 15, 2008

My Dad

Growing Old, Going Strong

This photographic story tells about the struggles of life between a father and a son after a death in the family. The death provides the oppertunity to get to know eachother better and create a stronger bond. Each picture will tell you a part of the aftermath of the death and show you what the father is like in pictures and what the son is like in words. The son describes his point of view of the father growing old but still going strong. The pictures in this are amazing and fit perfectly with the words said.

I can relate so much to this story. I had a great grandfather that was so amazing. My most favorite memory with him was when we were trveling to see him in Iowa and arrived there at around eleven at night their time. We walked in and he was already asleep on the couch. He woke up when we walked in, jumped up and put his shoes on and said "wanna go see some night crawlers!" My sister and I ran outside with jars in our hands and caught lightning bugs. I watched my great grandpa grow old and repeat questions over and over. He would always ask me If I had a boyfriend and I would always answer giggling of embarrasment "Not yet...". I watched him physically grow old but yet he never lost his caring and enthusiastic personality. He left us on May 21st, 2006.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Illigal Immigrant is tried for Murder

Immigrant murders three
By; Katelynn Weber

An illegal immigrant (Francis Hernandez) supposedly killed two women and a 3-year-old boy in an ice-cream shop. Francis Hernandez at age 23, has been arrested 20 times in the last 5 years, but was not banished from America even though 'state law requires police to report foreign born suspects to Immigration and Customs Enforcement.' Francis was charged today with 'three counts of leaving the scene of an accident involving death, three counts of vehicular homicide, one count of vehicular assault, one count of leaving the scene of an accident involving serious bodily injury and one count of driving under restraint. If convicted, he could face up to 78 years in prison. His bail was recently increased to $350,000.' Representatives Morgan Carroll and Karen Middleton wrote in a joint letter to the audit committee "And while the federal government has primary jurisdiction over immigration law, we have primary responsibility for the existence and enforcement of our traffic laws, had the current laws and enforcement worked properly, these citizens would not be dead."

I think that Francis is guilty of murdering the three people but I think the biggest problem was that he was here as an immigrant. To me, one of the largest problems in America is immigration. I think that we need to let immigrants know how serious we are about immigrants becoming citizens and by doing that, they will show us that they too respect our country. I think it was great that Francis tried to enlist in the army, in my opinion, to show that he wanted to be a part of America, but was declined because he was an immigrant. I do wonder why he truly did this, but it is be none of my bussiness. All in all, I think that immigrants should come to America legaly and help America become a better place.